Section 4 – blog content

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Blog Post

Campaign Objectives:

  • Generate awareness of the Tofino 25L dry backpack.
  • To generate user interaction from potential customers for the dry culture brand.
  • To foster a loyal community of dry culture brand advocates
  • To increase follower count on all social media

Blog Campaign Objectives: 

  • To introduce Dry Culture to a new audience.
  • To use tailoring to develop targeted content.
  • Increase brand awareness and engagement.
  • Reach campaigns objectives in this content.

Blog Campaign outline

the blog campaign aims to achieve three key objectives: generating awareness of the Tofino 25L dry backpack, fostering user interaction from potential customers, and cultivating a loyal community of brand advocates for Dry Culture. This multi-part campaign will unfold over a 12-month cycle, beginning with the introduction blog that launches the “What’s in Your Bag” campaign.

The “What’s in Your Bag” campaign kicks off in Canada with each blog post focusing on a different province, highlighting its unique experiences and the role of the Tofino 25L dry backpack has in assisting in those adventures.

The campaign blog will feature unpacking sessions where the backpack is prepared for the province tour, offering insight into the essentials needed for each location. And post-travel tour reviews which will share stories and souvenirs gathered along the way, showcasing the versatility and reliability of the backpack in real-life scenarios.

This blog campaign will Initially be target to Canada, however this campaign theme offers scalability as the company expands. Future editions could extend the series to the USA and eventually further into South America or even more international editions such as “What’s in Your Bag: Europe Edition.”

The strategy will be to consistently delivering engaging content that aligns with the brand’s values of adventure, exploration, and freedom without specially selling the bag. the blog campaign aims to not only raise awareness of the Tofino dry backpack but also to foster meaningful connections, and awareness with customers and build a community of passionate brand advocates. This will expand to each area offering consumer experiences/travels with the bag, opening the door for User Generated Content to be leveraged in this blog, and even partnerships with nano influencers.

Planning process:

To introduce the target audience of adventure enthusiasts to the campaign ‘What’s in your bag,’ which is the vessel we are going to use to attract them to share the benefits of the bag. The strategy is similar to Red Bull, where the content on the blog is rich for the audience’s experience, demonstrating the adventures/travels they have, and then the bag is the tool that will enable this experience. This introductory post focuses on launching the campaign and the prize, so the audience is aware and familiar with the brand, so that they have a baseline awareness of the business. Up to this point, Dry Culture has very low levels of awareness. This plan also speaks to the campaign objectives. My personal thought process was to invoke high levels on imagery that is appealing, with content that is purpose driven and to the point! No adventure enthusiast is spending hours reading travel/adventure business blogs.

Blog Post Screenshots:

A collage of images of people walking on a beach

Description automatically generated
A group of backpacks with text

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A green and white advertisement

Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a phone

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A yellow backpack with boots and a lens

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A screenshot of a video

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Blog Copy Content:

Pack Your #1 Passion: Discover the Secrets of Adventure in Canada with Dry Culture!

What is Dry Culture?

(image x 3)

It’s a lifestyle of:




Ultimate Exploration

(images of the 4 backpacks)

At Dry Culture we produce backpacks that are more than just bags – we craft symbols of the endless possibilities that come with following your passions and embracing the great outdoors.

Our mission is to inspire people to explore the world around them and pursue their passions, no matter how big or small!

What’s in your bag

(image of backpack)

Our bags enable your passions, giving you the freedom and convenience to pursue what matters most. Our ‘What’s in Your Bag’ series features stories and trips for your next adventure in Canada.

We strive to prepare you for any adventure, which is why our blog’s very purpose is to equip you with all the tips and tricks to enjoy travel, action sports, and all the adventures in between!

Any Adventures in Your Bag?


Rock Climbing?



Just Leisure Adventure?

From coast to coast, our Tofino Drybag Backpack is prepared to carry all your travel essentials and then some! Providing you convenience and ease for all your adventures. We’re keen to share how we use the bag, but we’re even more stoked to hear about the adventure that’s in your bag!

Each Tofino Drybag Adapts to your Adventure Preferences

We designed this bag in Canada with 3 key goals in mind.

  1. Highly Durable
  2. Ultra-Functional
  3. Adventure-Style Design


  • IPX-5 Waterproof Rating
  • Sleek and Modern Design
  • Ergonomic Padded Shoulder Straps
  • Multiple Compartments including a 17″ Laptop Sleeve

(Click Here To Explore More)


Overview of the Tofino 25L Backpack




Want to win your most needed travel accessories?

Enter the Draw Today to Win :

1.) Follow @dryculture on

(social media icon x 3)

2.) Share a post showing us #WhatsInYourBag and tag @dryculture

(contact us bottom)

Thanks for reading our story, if you’re craving more, visit our website!

(check out our about us page )

Blog’s relation to Campaign Objectives:

  • Campaign has many objectives, but 3 key ones were taken as they were targeted within the content writing of the blog. This was to 1.) Guarantee awareness of the Tofino 25L dry backpack. 2) To generate user interaction from potential customers for the dry culture brand. 3) To foster a loyal community of dry culture brand advocates 4. To increase follower count on all social media.
  • The blog generated awareness by hooking the audience with a tailored headline to drive up interest. The content communicates that dry culture is a lifestyle brand that focuses on high quality adventure gear.  The content also consummates and explains the product in a way that is relevant and tailored too the audience.
  • The campaign objective is to generate interaction from potential customers. This was achieved through the engagement and relevance of the message. For example, I wouldn’t offer the audience a free bag first when they don’t know anything about dry culture, but rather focus on interaction. This blog was also developed with power words and empowering language in order to raise engagement.

This blog post first establishes the baseline tone and voice of the brand, which is important because this will build connections and brand loyalty with the audience going forward.

Lastly, the promotional content at the end of the blog post reveals incentives to increase social media followers while encouraging interaction with the brand, thus reaching the campaign objective.

**Note** User generated content will be promoted within this blog, however due to the nature of the introductory post, this could not be utilised.

Call to actions used:

  • “Click Here To Explore More!”
    • This CTA encourages the reader to explore more about the bag, which would direct the audience to the product details landing page and initiate the process of leading them down the sales funnel. This button is strategically placed as the content just explained the bag. Relevant and well-placed CTAs increase revenue by 83%. (Solution 17, 2023).
  • “Enter the Draw today to Win:”
    • This CTA is related to the campaign objective of increasing social media following because clicking the link will offer an easy resource for the audience to follow and reach the campaign objective. This CTA also requires an immediate response, hence the use of “today.” According to Solution 17, promotional CTAs are twice as likely to invoke a better response (Solution 17, 2024).
  • “Subscribe Today”
    • This CTA is short and to the point, and also encourage email subscriptions to Dry Culture. Acor dinging to HubSpot short cta’s drive up better responses for email sigh ups specially. (HubSpot 2023).

Justifications for each element of the Blog:  


  • The deadline was developed with specific criteria as it pertains to the target audience. Class content was also used in order to develop the most tailored and best preforming headline for the audience. The reasons are below:
    • Numbers (20% higher traffic with numbers (social media today 2010).
    • Promise of value (to catch the reader’s attention (as deceased in class, week 8).
    • Conveying the message of the blog content. 
    • Power words: “pack, passion, discover, secrets, adventure, Canada, and Dry Culture” are all power words. They capture the attention of the reader and drive up open rates by 20% (LinkedIn, 2023).

Tone and Voice

  • The tone of the blog post is adventurous and enthusiastic, expressing language that reflects freedom, passion, and a shared excitement for the outdoors. This positions my content to be relevant to the target audience of adventure enthusiasts. The voice is taking a conversational approach, which humanizes the brand and also establishes a connection between Dry Culture and the reader.


  • I chose to communicate a story using three images as my main hero image. Since humans are highly visual, I provided imagery that created a positive first impression due to the exciting nature of the adventure invoked in the visuals. Generally, hero images are one large image; however, based on the needs and campaign objectives, I believe that using three small images that take up the size of one image was the best use of space. According to class content, hero images generate more traffic and conversions with audiences that interact with them. These three images also communicate the story between the headline and the rest of the content.

Visuals (images and video)

I used small images of the backpacks throughout the blog to illustrate what Dry Culture is offering. The hero images communicate the adventures that the culture takes you on. The campaign is “what’s in your bag,” and the contents of the bag are portrayed through the blog with small visuals. The social media visual “what’s in your bag” reveals the playful nature and relevance it has with the target audience.

Next is the visual of two kids on a fence with the bags; they represent the authenticity of the brand and the community-oriented values of the brand. The two iconic bags feature the owners’ belongings scattered around the copy, breaking up the content and visually representing the message and campaign. Visuals were used because they receive 94% more engagement than ones that don’t. This is because they communicate messages more effectively than just plain text. Images were used because they are 5 times more effective and memorable than just writing words alone (class content week 9). Altogether, 40% of people respond better to visual information over plain text (week 9 class content).

Next is the video, which was created by Dry Culture. This was included because 82% of people prefer watching a video over reading media posts (class content week 9). As such, to make the content relatable and targeted to the preferences of the audience, this was used.

F-pattern & Plain language

This content was written following the F-pattern, focusing on lists, images, headlines, and layout. It avoided long paragraphs, making the content more engaging and easier to understand. F-pattern content is important because it allows for a higher level of influence and resonance with the target audience (Week 3 class content). The same content was also evaluated using plain English language, which changed the language to make it easier to comprehend. The reading level of this content, based on the Hemingway website, was at a grade 7-8 reading level. The language was also relevant to the target audience, using words like ‘stoked’ and ‘keen’ to tailor the content around the audience’s language and preferences. However, the language used still is easily understandable to a non-target audience.


CTA’s were used as they increase conversions and endearment by 10-25% (Tru Conversions 2022).

Story Telling 

This content was also written in a storytelling approach, based on class content. The aim is to captivate the readers and engage them. This approach was leveraged into a mini-content sales funnel. I introduced the content and business to them, engaged them, and then encouraged them through promotion to take a desired action by signing up or clicking the link. This method of content writing is valuable because it can increase conversion by 30% (Clear Voice, 2023).

Section 5 – Rich Media Ad Content (15 Marks)

To facilitate our ad network advertising, we have to provide the content for three digital display ads (banners). You will be required to write the content for a “four frame” banner in multiple sizes. You will be required to develop a visual storyboard for each banner. Please separate each banner on its own page with the following: (15 marks)

a. Banner size.

  1. 300 x 600px
  2. 160 x 600px
  3. 468 x 60px

b. Content presented in separate frames.


c. The goal of the banner.

The goal of the banner is getting readers to click “learn more” which will bring them to our landing page outlining the “What’s In Your Bag” campaign details. This will increase traffic on our website and increase brand exposure, and hopefully increase the number of people who participate in our campaign/giveaway. Ultimately, the goal of each banner is driving people to participate in our giveaway and/or purchase a Tofino DryBag after visiting our landing page linking to our website.

Each banner clearly displays the “learn more” button and “WIN A FREE BAG” in large, bold lettering so that readers can easily depict what the ad is about and what to do.

d. Reasoning and justification for each banner as it relates to topics covered in class.

This banner will highlight the different colours the Tofino DryBag is available in and promote our campaign by using power words such as “win” and “free” and will also include an obvious button prompting readers to “learn more” about how they can win the free bag. This will bring readers to our landing page further outlining the “What’s In Your Bag” campaign which will increase our website traffic and potential for more people to buy a bag.

The different sizes of the ad will allow it to be presented in different formats and in different areas of a website. This will optimize the number of people who can be exposed to the ad and help increase our sales and participation in the campaign.

e. In-depth explanation of your planning process and reasoning. Destination plan.

Planning Process

We wanted the display ads to be related to our campaign and driving people to the landing page designed for our website. Including a button with a call-to-action was necessary for driving this action. We also wanted the ad to include similar wording from our social media campaign. We also wanted to use the same style and graphics from social media to keep our branding consistent so readers can easily recognize the campaign and all related content. We also wanted to ensure the most important information was included in the ads because they are small and can’t contain a lot of content. In order to optimize the number of clicks these ads receive we had to ensure we were using appropriate language and strong power words to grab the user’s attention and prompt them to click.

Destination Plan

  • 300 x 600 (Half-Page Ad)

This size banner will be seen on the left and right sides of a website on a desktop.

  • 160 x 600 (Wide Skyscraper)

This size banner will also be seen on the left and right sides of a website on a


  • 468 x 60 (Banner)

This size banner will most likely be presented at the top or bottom of a webpage on

a desktop.

Website Images


Thank you.


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