section 3 – social media

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  1. We want you to do a little research on our company and our current social media platforms. Based on your research what social media platforms do you think we should target as it relates to our audience, content and getting our message across for our specific campaign? Please justify your answer. (5 marks)

Based on the research we have conducted, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok came up as essential platforms for businesses, such as Dry Culture to target. As Dry Culture is mainly within the Canada region, from further research we found that Canadians are the most active users for Facebook Globally (Madenixa, 2024), which aligns with Dry Cultures target audience, particularly the 25–35-year-olds. Utilizing and leveraging Facebook’s reach will effectively put Dry Culture in front of potential customers, helping ensure visibility and engagement within their key demographic. Additionally, three of the largest age demographics for Facebook include Dry Cultures entire target demographic, as well as the most prominent group within Dry Cultures target demographic, which are the 25–35-year-old singles, as said and referenced above. This can be further justified with the chart below. Ultimately, Dry Culture should 100% target Facebook as most of their target audience is highly active on the platform, so utilizing it to help promote their products, campaigns, and business will put their brand right in-front of the potential customers.

Additionally, based on Dry Cultures focus and target audience, we have found with research that Instagram emerges as one of the crucial platforms for Dry Culture to get their message across for their specific campaigns. Instagram’s visual nature aligns perfectly with showcasing Dry Cultures products and campaigns effectively. Additionally, Instagram’s ability to help drive awareness, boost sales, and foster audience engagement makes it a perfect channel for Dry Cultures marketing efforts. Given that the main target age group located on Instagram in 2024 is people ages 18-24 and 25-34, see chart below (Oberlo, 2024), which is mainly Dry Cultures primary demographic, being able to leverage Instagram alongside Facebook allows for efficient targeting and engagement with the target audience. Additionally, Tik Tok presents as a large opportunity for businesses such as Dry Culture to be able to tap into a large and vast customer base while leveraging their creative and engaging content. Tik Tok contains many different age ranges, especially the main for Dry Culture. TikTok algorithm is also designed to promote viral content, which can help with dry cultures specific campaigns as it is a giveaway, and TikTok allows for videos such as those to gain buss and attention around the brand of the giveaway, which also helps leverage Dry Cultures brand awareness.

General notes for current social medias

Update Profile Pictures 

The current profile picture for Dry Culture is their full logo. Since their name is long, the full logo has a larger width which becomes hard to read when shrunken to fit the small size of a profile picture. At this point, “Dry Culture” isn’t legible or visually identifiable in their social media profile pictures. Changing Dry Culture’s profile picture to a simple logo mark will look more aesthetically pleasing and be more distinguishable to potential consumers.

Update Facebook Cover Photo

The current cover photo on Facebook doesn’t showcase their brand or product. I would change it to a vibrant image featuring a Dry Culture backpack so readers can immediately recognize exactly what the page and business is about when they visit our page.

Create Instagram Highlights

Dry Culture doesn’t currently have any Instagram highlights in use. Creating a general set of highlights to save their ). This will allow visitors to learn more about their business before seeing the rest of their posts. Instagram post-secondary other opportunity to improve user experience and a place to keep your most important information so that it’s easily accessible to your page visitors.

The updated profiles will look like:

The following social media posts will all be scheduled to post during Dry Culture’s “What’s In Your Bag” social media campaign running May 31-June 28. The most successful social media giveaways run between 2 and 4 weeks (Ofei, 2023). Running the #WhatsInYourBag campaign for 4 weeks optimizes the number of people who will see the posts and enter the giveaway without letting the campaign go stale. Additionally, scheduling this campaign during the summer will allow the campaign and product to remain more relevant to consumers because it will be easier for them to see the benefits. More people are spending more time outdoors during the warmer months and especially in the summer, so there are more instances where the backpack would be needed now compared to running this campaign in the winter.

The campaign will mainly be highlighting how much the Tofino DryBag can hold while also showcasing the different types of consumers who can benefit from the bag. The idea of the campaign is allowing people to see themselves using Dry Culture’s product by identifying themselves in a #WhatsInYourBag post. The post will also allow users to see how the bag can benefit their lifestyle by fitting everything they need in one place rather than needing multiple bags. If someone identifies with Dry Culture’s brand, they will be more likely to follow, engage with their content and possibly purchase their product. Inviting users to post their own #WhatsInYourBag will also expose their followers to our campaign and ideally prompt them to visit our page to learn more about the campaign themselves.

The goal of the entire campaign is building brand awareness and growing our social media following. This will be achieved by consistent messaging across all social media platforms and including the campaign logo and hashtag on all posts to increase familiarity. We will also plan to integrate influencer marketing on TikTok to increase our reach in future launches of this campaign.

2. Based on the topics discussed in class as they relate to social media content and planning, please create two (2) Facebook posts for Audience “A”:

For each post, please outline your planning criteria and justify your goal, reasoning, and key elements. Don’t forget to include the destination for each post and your reasoning and goals for each. (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

a. A post discussing the backpack & campaign.



Take a look at some of Dry Culture’s hiking essentials below👇🏻

Thanks to our Tofino DryBag, it all fits in one place! Our “rucksack” backpacks hold up 28L and include multiple compartments to keep all your gear neatly organized.

Show us #WhatsInYourBag for a chance to win your own Tofino DryBag💧



For the planning criteria on the campaign, we wanted to integrate a new and fun campaign called “what’s in Our bag”, while promoting what different essentials that can fit within the bag; this promotes the bags use, size, and benefits. The goal of the planning criteria was to resonate with the audience of adventurous and outdoorsy people, so in a sense people who enjoy going out and hiking every day or being outside in nature; we wanted to highlight the convenience of the Dry Culture Bag. Within the planning, it was essential for us to showcase the brand, and who they stand for, leveraging the freedom brand image Dry Culture aims for, while also showing the benefits of the bag and all that it can fit, ensuring relevance to the target demographic. Additionally, the planning criteria emphasized the importance of highlighting the practicality of the Dry Culture bags, showing to consumers how it can accommodate many different items that are essential for outdoor activities and adventures, such as hiking gear, campaign equipment, and fishing gear. This approach aimed to reinforce the Dry Cultures bag’s value proposition and position them as a must-have accessory for people who have a passion for being outdoors. Additionally, the planning criteria aimed at showing the significance of trying to resonate with our intended target audience of people who are adventurous and outdoorsy. We aimed to understand the different interests and preferences of this target audience, as it was important to be able to shape the content and messaging of the campaign. With us emphasizing the conveniences of the Dry Culture bag. the campaign aimed to appeal to the lifestyle and values of the target demographic, allowing for us to portray the brand as a trusted companion for the target audience’s different outdoor pursuits, as well as portray the brand as a token of freedom.


With us aligning and expanding on our planning criteria as said above, the primary goal of the post is to not only help drive participation in the giveaway and increase Dry Cultures brand awareness, but to also foster a stronger and deeper connection with the target audience. By offering them a Tofino DryBag as a prize, the post aims to help incentivize engagement and participation among adventurous people, such as the target audience, who resonate with Dry Cultures values of exploration and outdoor lifestyle. The giveaway post ultimately serves as a large opportunity to not only reward existing followers of the brand, but to also attract a wide range of new ones who may be intrigued by the brand’s offerings and what the Tofino Dry Bag can fit inside.

Additionally, the inclusion of hiking-related content within the post and visuals serve to help enhance the relevance and even the appeal of the post to the target audience. By showing images of different essential hiking and outdoor material that the bag can fit, the post evokes a sense of excitement and even aspirations amongst the followers, which helps reinforce Dry Cultures positioning as a trusted companion for outdoor activities. This strategic approach not only helps increase the likelihood of participation amongst the target audience, but also helps create a deeper connection with Dry Culture, as followers will be able to see themselves reflected in the content.


The first post strategically shows the Tofino DryBag as an amazing companion for those outdoor enthusiasts, particularly those who are passionate and love hiking and being outside. Showcasing how many items fit in the Tufino DryBag allows consumers to see what it can offer them during their outdoor adventures. Tailoring the post to include items frequently used for hiking makes the post relevant to our target audience. By highlighting the Tofino DryBag’s functionality and its ability to be able to neatly organize different hiking essentials, the post effectively communicates Dry Cultures value proposition to the target audience. Through imagery and compelling descriptions, the followers are invited to allow themselves to envision themselves using the Tofino DryBag during their own outdoor adventures, which helps strengthen Dry Culture’s position as a trusted brand for their outdoor interest.

Additionally, the inclusion of the hashtag within the campaign (#WhatsInOurBag) and the CTA helps further enhance the audience engagement and even helps enhance the brand reach. By encouraging the followers to share the contents of their own bags using the WIOB hashtag, the post helps create a sense of community and participation, inviting followers to become active participants in Dry Cultures story. This will also create curiosity for people who don’t know about Dry Culture or the campaign and can prompt them to visit your page and learn more about the giveaway. Requiring consumers to follow all our social media accounts to be entered in the giveaway will also help build our following. Furthermore, as participants of the campaign share their posts featuring the campaigns hashtag, Dry Cultures visibility is organically extended across different media platforms, which can potentially help reach new audiences who may be intrigued by the campaign and Dry Cultures offerings.

Additionally, the strategic use of the hashtag within the campaign not only helps encourage the audience participation, but it also serves as a strong tool for being able to track the engagement and measure the success of the campaign. By being able to see and monitor the volume of the user-generated content that is associated with our hashtag, Dry Culture can gain valuable insights into the different preferences and interests of the audience, which helps inform future marketing strategies and content development initiatives. Overall, the post focuses on highlighting the Tofino DryBag’s functionality and helps encourage the audience participation through the campaign’s hashtag.

Key Elements:

In addition to the key elements, the post strategically incorporates storytelling as well as evoking emotion to help create a deeper connection with the target audience. By framing the content around the concept of “What’s In Our Bag?”, the post invites the followers to imagine themselves going on an exciting outdoor adventure with Dry Cultures Tofino DryBag by their side. Through the descriptions and the relatable imagery, the post allows for us to transport followers into the world of freedom and adventure, which ties into their goals and enjoyment for outdoor activities. Additionally, the post incorporates capital letters for headings to help emphasize important points, such as the benefits of the Tofino DryBag and the main CTA. The bold and Capitalized headings draw attention to the key information, making it easier for followers to quickly understand the main points of the post. Furthermore, with the inclusion of the campaign’s hashtag, “What’s in Your Bag?” It serves as a clear CTA, which invites the followers to participate in the Dry Culture Tofino DryBag campaign, see what Dry Culture offers and the benefits of their bags, while allowing for the followers to share their own bag contents to be entered into a chance to win their very own Tofino Bag.

b. Any type of post you want with the overall goal of driving awareness and getting them to act in some fashion.



Ready to gear up for your next adventure? Dry Culture has you covered with your ultimate adventure companion – The Tofino DryBag💧

Whether you’re hiking, camping or simply enjoying the great outdoors, the Tofino DryBag is designed to keep alllll of your essentials safe and dry in any weather condition!

Show us #WhatsInYourBag for a chance to win your own Tofino DryBag💧

How to Enter:

Follow @dryculture on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok

Share a post showing us #WhatsInYourBag and tag @dryculture

What’s Included:

1 Dry Culture Tofino DryBag

The giveaway will close on June 28th at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced on July 2nd.




In addition to raising the awareness of the brand, Dry Culture, as well as promoting participation with the giveaway, the planning of the post was to resonate with the adventurous audience. By emphasizing the Tofino bag with it being in front and center of an outdoor setting, the post aligns perfectly with the interests and lifestyles of adventurous individuals. This approach helps ensure that the content is relevant and compelling to the target audience, which helps increase the likelihood of engagement and participation in the campaign. Additionally, we wanted to add a large headline that is compelling to anyone, regardless of the target audience, the headline being “Win a free bag” with this, we planned to capture the attention of users, with hopes for them to engage and interact with the campaign, allowing for further brand recognition. We also plan on outlining specific straightforward instructions as well within the bio of the post on how to enter the giveaway, such as following Dry Culture on social media platforms, sharing a post with the campaign hashtag, and tagging Dry Culture, the post removes any potential barriers to engagement and helps encourage immediate action from followers.


The main goal of this post is to effectively communicate all the essential information about the “Whats in Your Bag” campaign, ensuring that the consumers can easily understand and participate without needing to look for additional information elsewhere. The post focuses on the goal of driving participation in the campaign by providing clear instructions on how to enter and win, as we portrayed the wording “win a free bag” and then “show us #whatsinyourbag” which all sets a clear understanding for the audience on how to win their own Tofino DryBag, all while showcasing the Tofino DryBag as the ultimate adventure companion. Additionally, the post aims to appeal directly to the adventurous audience by aligning the giveaway with nature-related content, all while leveraging the background image that resonates with those outdoor enthusiasts, and the Dry Culture brand itself. Ultimately, the goal of this post not only shows the relevance and appeal of the Tofino DryBag to the target audience, but also aims to drive engagement and participation in the campaign, helping build brand awareness around Dry Culture.


The reasoning behind the post B’s approach is to help ensure accessibility and simplicity for the audience participants while also leveraging the interests and preferences of the adventurous audience. With us including all the important and necessary information to be able to enter the giveaway within the post caption itself, Dry Culture minimizes the barriers to engagement, making it easy for the users to participate without the need for additional steps. This decision shows the entry process, helping enhance the chances of participation and maximizes the posts effectiveness in achieving its goal of driving the campaigns engagement. Additionally, the post strategically utilizes images and messages that are specific to resonate with the adventurous audience, by incorporating an outdoorsy setting as the main image in the graphics background. The reasoning for this choice aims to evoke a sense of connection with the target audience, as this audience enjoys that type of setting, which helps further enhance the posts relevance towards them. With us aligning with the audience’s interests and activities, such as nature, the post strengthens the brand-consumer relationship, which helps create a deeper connection with Dry Culture.

Key Elements

The key elements within this post would be the imagery of water to help target and resonate with the target demographic, and the continuous use of the what’s in your bag campaign logo, and hashtag. Additionally, the consistent use of the “Whats in your Bag” logo and hashtag creates brand recognition and encouraged the target audience to further engage with the campaign. By using these visuals and the different dry culture branding elements, the post aligns with the overall campaign strategy, which is aiming to capture the attention and connect with the audience on a personal and relatable level.

3. Based on the topics discussed in class as they relate to social media content and planning, please create two Instagram posts for the Audience “B” demographic:

For each post, please outline your planning criteria and justify your goal, reasoning, and key elements. Don’t forget to include the destination for each post and your reasoning and goals for each. (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

 a. A post discussing the the backpack & campaign.



Whether you’re exploring the city, commuting to work or making a weekend trip, the Tofino DryBag fits everything you’ll need.

Show us #WhatsInYourBag for a chance to win your own Tofino DryBag💧 Checkout our “Giveaway” highlight for more info👉🏻

#DryCulture #WhatsInYourBag



The planning for this post is aimed to help maintain the movement of the ongoing campaign while specifically targeting the audience of urban commuters/city folk. By showcasing different urban commuter personas such as city women, fisher, Dog walker, and someone who goes to the gym we planned to broaden our audience’s identification with the Tofino DryBag. Each persona represents a different aspect of the urban commuter/city folk audience, from leisurely normal everyday activities to an athlete/gym rat, we highlighted the Tofino DryBag’s accessibility and functionality across different lifestyles; we wanted to be of relevance to the different personas within the audience. With this approach we planned to not only reinforce the relevance of the Tofino Drybag in the urban setting, but to also encourage engagement by inviting the different individuals within the audience to envision themselves with the product in their daily routines. Additionally, the inclusion of the campaign hashtag #WhatsInYourBag, helps encourage participation and helps increase Dry cultures brand visibility, which ultimately drives awareness and interest amongst the urban commuters/city folk audience.


The reasoning behind the approach for Post A has two parts: firstly, to visually demonstrate the versatility of the Dry Culture Tofino Dry Bag by showing how a city folk use it in a setting in which they resonate with, so the city. With this we aim to convey that the bag is suitable for the target audience’s lifestyle and activities. Secondly, the intention is to resonate with the specific groups within the urban commuter audience by portraying someone who represents their respective interest as well as routines. The reason behind this strategy not only strengthens the reliability of the campaign, but also helps foster a deeper connection with potential customers in the audience, ultimately driving engagement and brand recognition amongst the urban commuters.

Key elements

The key elements of Post A’s approach include the consistent utilization of the “WIYB hashtag to help boost brand awareness and engagement. By showcasing imagery featuring various personas from the urban commuter audience, the post tries to aim and provide visual representation of the bag’s use as well as the bag’s relevance to the different lifestyles within the audience. This strategy helps enable people to feel and envision themselves using the Tofino Dry bag within their daily lives, this helping with fostering a deeper connection and increasing the chances of engagement with Dry Culture.


The goal of this post aims to resonate with the different types of consumers by showing the different personas that are within the urban commuter/city folk audience. By showing the diverse personas, and what is within their own Tofino DryBag, the posts seek to create a sense of identification and relatability amongst potential customers, driving engagement and participation in the campaign. Additionally, the post aims to help increase brand awareness by leveraging the #WhatsInYourBag hashtag and highlighting the Tofino DryBag’s versatility in urban settings. Ultimately, the goal and main objective was to encourage participation in the campaign alongside enhancing brand awareness amongst the urban commuters.

b. A post engaging customers to interact and participate.



Show us #WhatsInYourBag  for a chance to win your own Tofino DryBag💧

How to Enter👇🏻

  1. Follow @dryculture on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
  • Share a post showing us #WhatsInYourBag and tag @dryculture

The giveaway will close on June 28th at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced on July 2nd.


#giveaway #DryCulture #WhatsInYourBag


Title: Inserting image...
Title: Inserting image...

Campaign Stories:


For Post B’s Instagram posts for the target audience urban commuters/city folk, the planning criteria is circled around trying to engage the audience with a clear CTA “Show us what’s in your bag for a chance to win your own bag”. The use of this specific CTA within one of the posts aims to encourage participation and interaction amongst the urban commuters, leveraging their daily routines and necessities within the posts. Additionally, the posts utilize images that are highly relevant to the target audience, such as the man in front of a subway station while adding the Tofino DryBag to be displayed prominently, providing a visual connection to the urban commuter lifestyle.

Additionally, to break it down, the planning criteria for the Post B Instagram’s post was to include clear CTA’s, Relevant visuals, Tailored Messaging, and the use of the Hashtag. Basically, we planned to create the posts to incorporate background images that feature items commonly carried by urban commuters, going off post #1, as you can see within the background, we included basic items the target audience urban commuters contain in their bag. The post contained visuals of laptops, phones, shoes, headphones, and much more items that relate to the target audience. We planned this as the visuals not only helps resonate with the target audience, but it also helps reinforce the relevance of the Dry Culture Tofino DryBag being included within the target audience’s daily commutes. Within the posts, we also wanted to include wording that is specific to the appeal of the urban commuter target audience, as we used phrases such as “ready to level up your commute?” which helps emphasize the product’s utility and benefits within their daily lives. Ultimately, the planning criteria was to aim to create posts that included imagery and wording to resonate with the target audience and help push the desired goal, which is to engage with the campaign and raise awareness of Dry Culture.


The reasoning being the approach for post B’s Instagram targeting Urban commuters was to help ensure clear communication of the What’s in Your Bag campaign giveaway details and entry process while also making it easily identifiable for the audience. With this post we aimed for the visuals to effectively convey the essence of what the giveaway is, which allows for people to understand it briefly without necessarily reading the caption. This approach not only helps simplify the participation but also helps ensure brand and campaign awareness, as participations engage with the hashtags and follow Dry Culture. By showcasing the entry process and leveraging visuals that are easily recognizable, the reasoning for creating these posts were to maximize engagement and increase viability of Dry Culture amongst the urban commuter audience, ultimately driving awareness of Dry Culture and the campaign.


The goal we had in mind for the campaign was to help foster social media interaction and increase the brand awareness amongst the Urban Commuters/City Folk target audience. By encouraging people to follow Dry Culture through different social media, post their content of what’s in their bags, and use our hashtag, our goal was aimed to increase our presence on social media platforms and expand our reach. Additionally, we prioritized clarity in outlining the campaign details both within the caption and the graphics on the posts to help ensure that anyone can understand what the rules were; we used plain language throughout. Ultimately, our main goal was to resonate with the Urban commuters and effectively engage them with the Dry Culture Brand, driving brand recognition and participation in the campaign.

Key elements

The key elements of our campaign were strategically designed to help enhance Dry Cultures brand identity, awareness, and overall engagement. We also helped ensure we contained a consistent branding by prominently featuring the Dry Culture logo on all of the campaign posts, as well as the logo for the campaign; The key elements used were to help leverage brand and campaign awareness/recognition. Also, clear instructions and pricing information were displayed on the post, which helps create easy understanding for the participants of the campaign. To further catch the attention of the audience, key elements such as emojis within the captions, and including relevant hashtags, were to help encourage participation and further expand Dry Cultures reach. Imagery that was also related to the Urban commuter. City folk audience was carefully selected as we want to resonate with the target demographic and reinforce the campaign’s relevance. Additionally, providing an example of what to do helped guide participants and encourage their involvement, ultimately contributing to the Dry Culture campaigns overall success.

4. Dry Culture believes TikTok will be a crucial platform moving forward. Based on the topics discussed in class as they relate to social media content and planning, please create a TikTok video for each of the audiences. Listed below are the details. This includes a storyboard and outline of the videos – 4 bonus marks if you create the videos.

For each post, please outline your planning criteria and justify your goal, reasoning, and key elements. Don’t forget to include the destination for each post and you’re reasoning and goals for each. (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

a) Audience “A” • A video discussing the brand & campaign.

*All images but first in story board are AI generated*

Title: Inserting image...


Within this video we wanted to incorporate the dry culture bag in a beach setting to further promote the bag to the outdoor target audience as we wanted to make the bag appealing in a setting they enjoy. We tried to further promote the Dry Culture bag by showing different incidents that can happen in a beach setting, such as bringing toilet paper to the bathroom, taking a beach towel out, and getting your shoes wet. We did this as we wanted to show our target audience A all that the bag can fit within, further promoting the bags accessibility. Additionally, we wanted to add some humor within this post as posts with humor, especially tik tok posts, usually get more interaction, and we did so with Dry Culture as it can help broaden the audience and bring in more awareness about the brand. The goal of the tik tok video ultimately was to highlight the usefulness of the Dry Culture bag, showing all that it can fit, while also being in an outdoor setting, which targets those within the target audience A, which are outdoor enthusiasts.


We wanted to showcase someone taking multiple things out of the bag to showcase how much it can carry. We also wanted to showcase the carefree spirit of the brand to resonate with our intended audience. We wanted to film outdoors and demonstrate different instances the bag would be useful and relate it to our adventure enthusiast audience.


One of the main selling points of the bag is how much it can carry. We wanted to demonstrate this benefit by taking multiple things out of the bag so people can see how much actually fits. This allows viewers to imagine how easily they can make a day trip with only one bag. Filming in an outdoor setting also shows the bags durability and waterproof qualities and will further relate with the intended audience.

Key Elements

The setting of this TikTok was important to relate to our primary audience who spends much of their time outdoors. Additionally, we wanted to show items that would be relevant to our target audience. Bringing toilet paper on a hike or outdoor adventure is common and relatable because there often aren’t public washrooms at these places. This helps the content relate to our audience. The song choice was also important because it further embodied the care-free spirit and is catchy which allows viewers to continue watching with ease. Finally, the TikTok includes the campaign logo to increase the campaign awareness and let viewers this TikTok is part of that campaign. Overall, the TikTok embodies our brand personality through the song choice and tone carried on throughout the video. It also relates to our target audience by highlighting items they would likely have in their bag.


The goal of this TikTok is introducing Dry Culture in a lighthearted way and allowing viewers to identify with using our product. It also introduces viewers to our campaign because it is showing them what’s in our bag and includes the campaign logo at the end.

b) Audience “B” • A video engaging customers to interact and participate.

*All images in story board are AI generated*


Within the city TikTok post for Dry Culture, we wanted to create a post that specifically resonates with the target audience B, which is the urban commuters/city folk. We wanted to create a tik Tok that highlights the benefits of the bag, especially one of the biggest benefits of it being waterproof. We wanted to make the tik Tok post to contain relevance to the audience, which is why we shot the video within a city setting, that way the video can allow for the target audience to envision themselves with the backpack, as the video can be of relevance to their daily lives. By showcasing the Dry Culture bag in a city setting while also emphasizing its waterproof feature in the post, the video directly targets Urban Commuters and city folks, aligning with the interests and needs of the audience. This use of rain shots also not only highlights the Bag’s functionality, but also adds an element of visual appeal as well as excitement, capturing the viewers’ attention and encouraging them to imagine how the product can enhance their daily lives. This strategic approach not only helps attract the audience but also helps drive conversion by demonstrating the bags accessibility and functionality within real-life situations that people tend to go through every day.


We wanted this TikTok to have an urban setting to appeal to our “urban commuters” audience. We wanted to demonstrate what commuting in an urban city with a Tofino DryBag would look like and highlight its benefits to urban commuters. It was important that the bag be featured and that we mention the campaign and invite users to participate.


We wanted to show an urban commuter so that this audience could easily identify themselves with our product. The brand initially appears to be suited for outdoorsy people only, but we wanted to highlight its use to someone living in the city. Showing someone walking to work on a rainy day is very practical because thats a problem a lot of urban commuters run into. This allows viewers to see the benefits firsthand and imagine what problem that could solve in their current situation. Including the instructions for the campaign also drives them to participate in our campaign so they have the chance to win their own free Tofino DryBag. Overall, this TikTok will encourage users to participate in our campaign by showing them the benefits of the bag and including the giveaway instructions.

Key Elements

This post included a short caption that is consistent with other posts from this campaign – “Show us #WhatsInYourBag for a chance to win your own Tofino DryBag”. TikTok captions are not read for the most part, people watch the video to get the important information. However, including a relevant caption allows us to resonate with users who end up reading the caption. We also included a catchy tune in the background to keep a viewer engaged and watching until the end so they can see the giveaway instructions. It was also important to include the backpack as a focal point of the TikTok because that is the product we are selling.


The goal of this TikTok was driving awareness for what the Tofino DryBag offers to urban commuters. People who commute often have to worry about the rain damaging their belongings – highlighting an urban commuter using this bad on a rainy day will show viewers that they can use it to commute and keep all of their belongings safe and dry. The goal was also driving viewers to participate in the campaign and potentially a free bag.

5. Please create two tweets based on the Facebook posts in question #2. Explain what you did differently outline your planning criteria and justify your goal, reasoning, and key elements. Don’t forget to include and your reasoning and goals for each. (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

a. A post discussing the backpack & campaign.


Dry Culture’s #Hiking Essentials Check List🥾

Thank god there’s a bag to fit all that!

#WhatsInYourBag #WhatsInOurBag #DryCulture


Title: Inserting image...
Title: Inserting image...


This Tweet had to be related to our first Facebook post introducing people to our campaign. This was an easy way to show people how they can participate in the campaign by showing them OUR version of it. We wanted to include similar imagery but in a size that is more complimentary to Twitter so it is laid out slightly different. As well, we wanted the Tweet to include much less text because Twitter users are looking for quick, to the point content.


We chose this Tweet because it suits the reading style of Twitter users and will be quick to read and understand what the post is about. The post also allows readers to identify themselves with our brand and picture themselves using it. We used the same hashtag #WhatsInYourBag to remain consistent across all platforms and be identifiable to consumers. The post includes essentially the same content as the Facebook post but is made to suit the needs of Twitter.

Key Elements

The tweet includes hashtags so that users can find our post or page when searching for related content on Twitter. If someone is searching for Tweets about hiking, they might see ours and hiking is one of our target audience’s main activities. We also included the general hashtag for the campaign, so readers know that’s what the post is highlighting, and to increase awareness of the campaign. The post also included a hiking boot emoji to grab the attention of hikers or outdoorsy people which is the audience this Tweet is targeting. Finally, the graphic depicts all of the items that can fit in the one bag and each item is related to someone who would go hiking. This allows our target audience to relate to our brand and see themselves using the product.


The goal of this post is introducing more of our personality to consumers and introducing the campaign to readers. Showing them “What’s In OUR Bag” allows them to see what we use the bag so they can imagine themselves using it. The goal is to increase our brand and campaign awareness.

b. Any type of post you want with the overall goal of driving awareness and getting them to act in some fashion.


We’re giving away a FREE backpack!

Show us #WhatsInYourBag for a chance to win🎒🎒🎒

Must be following @dryculture on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok

#Giveaway #DryCulture


Title: Inserting image...


This tweet was based off our second Facebook post and was intended to get readers to act in some way. We wanted the tweet to include enticing wording that would grab a reader’s attention. We also wanted to keep it short and simple because Twitter is typically used for quick remarks and engagements rather than reading a long-detailed post. We wanted to create a post that quickly outlined the campaign and encouraged readers to participate.


The overall goal of our campaign is getting people to participate and use the hashtag #WhatsInYourBag and tag our account (@dryculture) to increase brand awareness, and this tweet is calling users to do that. As mentioned, Twitter is used for quick remarks and links to more information rather than long posts themselves, so keeping this post very short while still explaining the general concept of the campaign makes it suitable for Twitter.

Key Elements

This tweet includes hashtags so that people interested in related content can find our page and potentially enter our giveaway. The #WhatsInYourBag is used in every post related to this campaign, so it was important to incorporate that. We also wanted to include emojis because that increases a user’s likeliness to read the tweet and remember what it’s about. The 🎒 emoji is also used consistently throughout the campaign. Finally, it was important to include a graphic in the post. The graphic includes more detailed instructions for users to follow and enter the campaign. Readers are more likely to read content in a graphic rather than plain text in the caption, so putting the important information in the graphic optimizes the number of people who will read it and then enter the giveaway.


The goal of this Tweet is increasing participation in the “What’s In Your Bag” campaign and increasing brand awareness. If users see their friends posting a photo tagging @dryculture and using our hashtag #WhatsInYourBag they might ask about it or visit our page to learn more themselves. Either way, this exposes our brand to more people and increases the potential of someone entering. The goal of this post is also driving followers on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook which is a requirement to enter the giveaway and is clearly outlined in the post.


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