Assignment #4 Question 2 A & B

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  1. Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks)

For my article, I chose the first image of a girl with long, healthy black hair to help represent the benefits of promoting hair with the use of natural and organic ingredients and it helps to visually communicate the desired outcome of using the ingredients within hair care products. Secondly, I used a side-by-side comparison of healthy and damaged hair to help further emphasize the amazing transformative effects that my natural and organic ingredients have on damaged hair, this aligns with my businesses mission to provide clean, chemical-free hair alternatives to help reach and obtain healthy hair. Additionally, the final image within my post of the girl smiling with healthy hair helps reinforce the positive results of using my natural and organic products, appealing to my visitors who are looking for solutions for their hair care needs. These three specific images were selected to help visually highlight the benefits of using natural and organic ingredients in hair care. These three images all resonate with my target audience and also effectively conveys the message of my article “Experience the Difference: 3 Benefits Natural and Organic Ingredients have for your hair.” Ultimately, these three images were chosen to engage users visually, improve comprehension, and reinforce my brands core values, which helps enhance my overall user experience on my website and my post.

 b. Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks)

To begin, the first image of the girl with long hair is beneficial for my post as it visually conveys the benefits of using natural and organic ingredients to my audience. The image helps shows the audience that its possible with the use of my natural and organic ingredients to achieve the long and beautiful hair they’ve been wanting. The visual serves to help reinforce the message of using natural and organic ingredients in my hair care products, which aligns with my businesses mission to giving my customers organic ingredients for healthy hair. Secondly, for the side-by-side comparison of damaged and healthy hair, this is beneficial for the post as it visually illustrates to my audience the difference that natural and organic ingredients have on damaged hair. By visually showing the transformation from damaged to healthy hair, the images effectively communicate the advantages of using natural and organic ingredients for hair care. This is beneficial for the post as by adding a side-by-side comparison it serves as a visual representation of the impact that natural and organic ingredients have for the hair. This enhances the effectiveness of the post by making the benefits more tangible and relatable to the audience, which helps strengthen the persuasive impact of my message. Additionally, for the third image of the girl smiling with healthy hair, is beneficial to the post as it visually engages users by promoting and evoking positive emotions and illustrating the potential outcomes of using natural and organic ingredients for hair care. The image of the girl smiling with healthy hair is beneficial for my post as it helps engage my uses visually, as said before, it evokes a positive emotion which also algins with calls discussions on how visuals help evoke emotions in a positive or negative way, but all can leave to a reaction or engagement. Therefore, if users react positive to seeing a girl smiling with healthy haor, they will further feel the need to want to purchase natural and organic hair care products which is beneficial for my post. This image also helps reinforce my message of the post, enhancing its overall impact with the audience.

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