Assignment 2 – part B question 5.

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  1. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #4) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)
  • different headlines:
  1. 5 Reasons you can’t miss the newest famous Tik Tok series “Who TF did I Marry” – (Captivating and intriguing)
  2. Discover the latest hot new Tik Tok series “Who TF did I Marry.” – (Power words)
  3. Warning: Prepare to be hooked by the newest Tik Tok series “who TF did I marry?””
  1. 5 Reasons you cant miss the newest Tik Tok series “Who TF did I Marry.”

For the first headline, I wanted to recreate the article headline for question 4, into something even more intriguing and captivating. The headline “5 Reasons you can’t miss the newest famous Tik Tok series “Who TF did I Marry?” Is an intriguing and captivating headline as it immediately grabs the readers attention with the sense of urgency and curiosity. The use of the number five at the start of the headline informs the readers quickly that they will be given a list of different persuasive reasons as to why they should view the latest Tik Tok series hit; this ties over with the fact of the headline being intriguing. With the use of the number, it makes use of the listicle format, which has been shown to improve the attention and engagement of potential readers (Forsey, 2023). By using the five distinct reasons, the headline shows clear expectations for what the potential readers will see within the article if they decide to engage with the content. To justify further, a recent study has shown that headlines that contain numbers tend to boost potential readers sense of curiosity and urgency, which ultimately makes them more compelled to open the headline (Blackwood, 2023). Additionally, the usage of the term “Newest Famous Tik Tok Series” shows the contents relevancy and popularity, which is appealing to the potential readers needs to be up to date on the latest and newest famous trends, which also ties into the captivating and intriguing factor. By the headline referring to the series as both “famous” and “newest”, the headline says to potential readers that the content is already getting lots of talk and popularity amongst the Tik Tok community, which makes it even more intriguing to potential readers that want to stay up to date on trends.

Overall, this headline effectively uses clarity, detail, and interest to captivate and intrigue the potential readers to click on the headline. The headline uses the concepts we discuss successfully, as it captures the potential readers attention and attracts them to learn more about the latest Tik Tok series.

  1. Discover the latest hot new Tik Tok series “Who TF did I Marry.”

The headline “Discover the latest Hot New Tik Yok Series “Who TF did I Marry”” uses the power words as we discussed to help attract potential readers and motivate them into clicking on the headline to view the article. To begin, the power word “discover” is a strong CTA (call to action), as it encourages the potential readers to look into the article to find something intriguing. This power word shows to potential readers that there is useful and exciting information that is waiting to be shown to them, capturing the reader’s interest, and encouraging them to interact with the headline further. Secondly, the use of the power word “latest” highlights the Tik Tok series freshness and relevancy among the Tik Tok world, as it’s a newer trend. In todays world of fast-paced digital and media platforms. Basically, with todays fast-paced world of media, people are always looking for the most recent and popular news to keep up with, as they want to stay educated on current trends blowing up. By using the power word “latest” and labeling the series as so, the headline implies that it provides potential readers with new and current trends and modern entertainment that Tik Tok consumers all enjoy.

thirdly, using the power word “hot” and “new” in the headline creates excitement as well as desire amongst potential readers. The power word “hot” implies a feeling of popularity and trendiness, which implies to potential readers that the series is getting a lot of traction and attention within the Tik Tok community. Whereas the power word “new” gives a sense of unfamiliarity with the potential readers, as some may be unaware of the new series, which further captivates their attention, and it ultimately pushes them to click on the headline and/or interact with it. Overall, be using the power words “discover”, “latest”, “hot”, and “new”, the headline effectively captures the attention of potential readers, and pushes them to click through to discover more about the new Tik Tok series.

  • Warning: Prepare to be hooked by the newest Tik Tok series “who TF did I marry?”

In the headline” Warning: Prepare to be hooked by the newest Tik Tok series “who TF did I marry?”’  it effectively utilizes another strategy we discussed to help capture the attention and engage potential readers. The word warning is a perfect example of a word that grasps the attention of potential readers, as it serves as a instant shock which creates curiosity.  In context, the word warning implies that the new Tik Tok series is not just like any regular series surfacing, but a series that requires quick attention, due to how fast its circling around the internet. Using a sense of urgency in the headline, it intrigues and grabs the attention of potential readers interest, while encouraging them to discover more about what the series really is. Although we discussed that using the word warning is generally hard to incorporate in headlines, but when done right is successful, I thought that this series would be a perfect match to utilize warning. The series has taken the internet by storm, and on my own Tik Tok, I’ve even gotten videos of people watching the series while working their regular 9-5 jobs. Therefore, utilizing the word warning is perfect as this series truly captures your attention and you become hooked to find out what happens at the end of this 45+ series.

Additionally, by leading with the word warning, it establishes a feeling of anticipation within the potential readers. The headline hints to the presence of a new and unique thing, which temps potential readers to click on the headline to further find out what the series is and if it truly will get them hooked. In class, we learned about the significance of writing headlines that captures the interest and inspire quick interactions amongst readers, and by using the word warning, it does so by informing readers that there is something significant and important that requires their attention, in this case the Tik Tok series. Ultimately, the use of warning in the headline is an effective attention-grabbing strategy that captures the interest of potential readers and helps drive quick engagement. The headline effectively attracts the readers to learn more about the series, as the headline also uses mystery and urgency, which is an important aspect into how to create powerful headlines.

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