Assignment 2 – Part B question 2

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  1. Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks)

Headline – “5 Reasons why the Canadian Skills Competition Can’t be Missed.”

            The headline, “5 Reasons why the Canadian Skills Competition Can’t be Missed.”, effectively represents what a great headline should look like, as it follows most of the principals we learned in class. This headline is great as it follows the value of the importance of having clear headlines. By them clearly stating the purpose of the NHL event, as well as the benefits of attending (“5 Reasons”), the headline immediately attracts the attention of potential readers, including myself, as it gives us a desire to know those 5 reasons as to why we should attend the competition; this highlights why we shouldn’t miss it, as it says in the headline. This relates to the fact we learned in class that headlines should be clear and specific, guiding the readers on what to click, read, watch, and understand. This headline resonates with my desire for interest and relevance. The headline promises me valuable content, the 5 reasons, which helps engage me and potential readers by addressing our possibly interest in NHL competitions. By emphasising the event’s uniqueness and relevance, the headline appeals to my need to seek and share different news that is intriguing and relevant towards for me.

            Another reason as to why this headline is great is the use of its technique to promise something specific, which we learned is a key aspect of creating compelling and engaging headlines. The focus on the importance of the Canadian Skills Competition builds anticipation and interest, which helps motivate me and potential readers to learn more about why we should be going. Ultimately, The Montreal Canadian’s NHL team’s headline for this article is a perfect example of a great headline relating to the examples of what we discussed in class. The headline effectively engaged the readers and communicated the benefit of going to the Skills Competition, without having to say anything other than the title itself.

After relating this headline to class content, this headline resonated with me because it shows the value of marketing storytelling, as well as the power of creating headlines that directly engage and intrigue the audience. This headline resonated with me as it grasped my attention and intrigued me to want to click on it to learn more about why I should be going to this NHL Skills Competition. This headline also resonated with me as it successfully captured my interest as a reader, due to its use of elements such as numbers and promises as to why we should attend. Additionally, as someone who is interested in the NHL, this headline immediately resonated to my interests and made me eager to learn more about what the Skills Competition had to offer.

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