Assignment 2 – Part B question 6.

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Create a headline for an article about this program targeted to graduating high school students. Please explain what you did, why and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headlines you created. (6 Marks)  


Prompt 1: “please create a compelling headline that is targeted to graduating high school students, based on my program at St. Clair College called advertising and marketing communications management. This course provides all the necessary information to excel in the business world. the program offers up to date classes prepping you more than ever for the real-world, as well as giving you in class client experiences which also helps. Create a headline that utilizes FOMO (fear of missing out) as I want to really attract these kids to come to our program, as we are one if not the best program for adverting and marketing in the country.”

Prompt 2: Now use eye catching words and incorporate factors from FOMO, as we want these students to feel like they need to go to this program as this is the best advertising program in Canada. These students will succeed joining this program and, in the headline, I want to make it clear of that.

Result 2:
“Unleash Your Potential: Join Canada’s Premier Advertising Program at St. Clair College and Secure Your Future Success!”

Prompt 3: now please incorporate the program name advertising and marketing communication management.

Results 3:
“Don’t Miss Out: Elevate Your Future with St. Clair’s Advertising & Marketing Communication Management Program – Your Path to Unparalleled Success!”

Final prompt: now take the word out unparalleled.

Final prompt result:
“Don’t Miss Out: Elevate Your Future with St. Clair’s Advertising & Marketing Communication Management Program – Your Path to Success!”

To begin, I started with a prompt that had a strong description of our program, asking it to create a simple yet intriguing headline. However, the initial response that ChatGPT gave me didn’t match up with me expectations, which made me refine the request and go further into how I wanted the headline to sound. I then did additional research throughout things I picked up on prompts from class discussions, as well as what I found on Google. As we discuss, ChatGPT is very vague to begin with when you give it a prompt to follow, you must have a in-depth prompt that highlights everything you want it to do; I did so and still suffered with some responses. Although I faced this challenge, my first in-depth prompt helped me as a guide for ChatGPT to follow, as it gave it a map of what I wanted, and just simply what goal I was aiming for. I would send my initial prompt, and if I saw something in the headline that was missing, or just simply bad, I would ask ChatGPT to fix it with how I would like it.

Additionally, I added prompts that were directed to ChatGPT to create the headline that immediately captures the attention of grade 12 graduates using compelling languages, such as what we’ve learned in class (power words, number, etc), as well as to replace terms that seemed unfitting as no one from my knowledge would utilize them in their own headline. ChatGPT, in response to my prompts that I changed and refined, created a headline that grabbed the attention even for myself, making me realize I found the headline I was going to go with. With me continuing to refine my original request while also using specific information, ChatGPT generated a headline that effectively communicates our program’s value and offerings, which I believe will resonate with the target audience of grade 12 graduates. Ultimately, in order to get the final result of my liking.

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