ADV 421 Blog

Assignment Answers

  • Section 4 – blog content

    Blog Post Campaign Objectives: Blog Campaign Objectives:  Blog Campaign outline the blog campaign aims to achieve three key objectives: generating awareness of the Tofino 25L dry backpack, fostering user interaction from potential customers, and cultivating a loyal community of brand advocates for Dry Culture. This multi-part campaign will unfold over a 12-month cycle, beginning with…

  • section 3 – social media

    Based on the research we have conducted, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok came up as essential platforms for businesses, such as Dry Culture to target. As Dry Culture is mainly within the Canada region, from further research we found that Canadians are the most active users for Facebook Globally (Madenixa, 2024), which aligns with Dry Cultures…

  • Final Project – Section 2 Website and landing pages

    Section 2 – Website & Landing Page Content (60 Marks) Landing Page / Website The difference between a website and a landing page is the purpose they achieve and the target market we are trying to reach. Websites are like car dealership showrooms; they’re well-designed spaces that allow you to explore categorized sections of cars…

  • Final Project – ADV421 – Target audience section

    Section 1 – Audience Definition (20 Marks) According to the Canadian Tourism and Market research report, the current adventure market is valued over $12 billion dollars ($12,397,950,000.00) (AMR, 2022). This niche market is a sizable and profitable industry to tap into.  This market is very valuable based on the most recent stats Can report. 2021…

  • Assignment #4 Question 3

     b. Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks) To begin, the first image of the girl with long hair is beneficial for my post as it visually conveys the benefits of using natural and organic ingredients to my audience. The image helps shows the audience that its possible with…

  • Assignment #4 Question 2 A & B

    For my article, I chose the first image of a girl with long, healthy black hair to help represent the benefits of promoting hair with the use of natural and organic ingredients and it helps to visually communicate the desired outcome of using the ingredients within hair care products. Secondly, I used a side-by-side comparison…


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